Case Study

Built with Next.js, my full-stack finance tracker is a secure, intuitive platform for managing budgets. With transaction management, category statistics, and stunning charts, it demonstrates my expertise in modern web development and user-focused design.


Project Overview
To showcase my skills and build an impressive portfolio, I developed a full-stack web application designed for personal finance tracking. With modern web technologies, a well-structured user experience, and secure data handling, I created a comprehensive diary-style platform that enables users to manage their budgets. This application is meant to highlight my expertise as a full-stack developer and attract freelancing opportunities.

Tech Stack Selection
I carefully chose technologies that demonstrate both flexibility and efficiency:

  1. Next.js 14: API routes and server actions allowed for optimal data fetching and efficient server-side logic.
  2. Clerk Authentication: Implementing Clerk ensured a secure, user-friendly authentication process that protects personal finance data.
  3. TypeScript: Using TypeScript minimized runtime errors and enhanced maintainability through static typing.
  4. TailwindCSS / Shadcn UI: These tools provided a highly responsive and visually appealing user interface.
  5. SQLite / Vercel PostgreSQL: These database solutions offered flexibility and scalability to accommodate diverse user needs.
  6. Prisma ORM: Streamlined data modeling and access, ensuring efficient and straightforward database interactions.
  7. React Query: Simplified data management with effortless synchronization and caching.
  8. Recharts: Offered clear, interactive charts that visually presented complex financial data.


Key Features

  1. Transaction Management:
    Users can add, update, and categorize transactions easily. Each transaction, whether income or expense, is categorized for comprehensive financial tracking.
  2. Category Statistics:
    Users gain insights into their spending patterns and habits through category-based analysis, enabling improved budget planning.
  3. Historical Data Aggregates:
    Users can compare their finances over different time periods to identify trends and inform future budgeting strategies.
  4. Stunning Charts:
    Interactive charts created with Recharts make financial data easy to understand, offering a visually rich representation of users' finances.
  5. Icon Selector for Categories:
    An intuitive icon selector allows users to assign visually distinct icons to their expense categories for a personalized and clear experience.

Building this Next.js finance tracking application independently showcases my proficiency in modern web technologies and user-focused design. The platform provides comprehensive budget management features and secure data handling, reflecting my skills in creating effective solutions. This project serves as a strong example of my capabilities as a freelancer, demonstrating my commitment to quality, efficient coding practices, and seamless user experiences.

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